Spiritual Awakening & Cutting Cords

Written by Dakota Betts | Jan 22, 2025 1:00:00 AM

How does one know if they are in the middle of a Spiritual Awakening?

Chaos... Sheer chaos. The life you are living begins to feel foreign. The way you've always existed in the world feels foreign. The job you go to every day feels foreign. Your friends. Your relationship. Your family. Yourself... Then, you spiral. Darkness begins to grasp ahold, and your mind is filled with regrets, fears, anxieties and worries, repressed feelings and memories all bubble up to the surface. The feelings alone begin to consume and vamp you of your energy. Lethargy begins to set in, and rest is a non-negotiable. The ruminating and constant thoughts and feelings causes dissociation, not wanting to face it all at once. The world as you have known it begins to melt away. At the same time, old versions of yourself begin to surface - not so nice versions of yourself that you once thought were gone, or have simply outgrown. 

Ok... Enough of the scary and negative side of Awakening. 

There is hope at the end of the dark tunnel and are several positives to an Awakening. Holding onto these beliefs, positive thoughts, and self-love will help you through these troubling times. Trust me. I've been through several already. So how can you keep ahold of your sanity through this process?

  • Pay Attention to the Signs
    • Angel Numbers, random messages that strike a cord, or a verse in a song could be directing you towards your Awakening
  • Mediation or Prayer
    • Connecting with your higher self and you Spirit Team will help you stay grounded in the 3D, but connected in the Higher realm
  • Know That You are Not Crazy, or Going Crazy
    • The understanding of what occurs during an Awakening will help you speak to yourself in a lighter, more understanding tone
  • Self-Care Practices
    • Self-Care practices (not self-soothing) such as journaling about all the positive progress you have made in your life, looking at yourself in the mirror and pointing out your most beautiful features, leaving yourself love notes, buying yourself flowers, and so many more
  • Positive Affirmations
    • Stating your affirmations and "I am" statements aloud. Projecting these out loud will shift the energy in yourself, as well as your aura and the space you are in. Remember, we all vibrate at a certain frequency, and what you say plays a large role in the frequency at which you vibrate. Be selective in your words. 
  • Ask For Help
    • Your Spirit Team is always by your side. They are aware of your Awakening and are even closer to you during this time to guide and assist you with whatever you need. Ask them to help with blockages in healing, to remove toxic situations or people from your life, or just to fill you with their love and light. 

  • Decoding Dreams
    • During an Awakening, you may have surreal or even vivid dreams that you may not understand at first. Keep a bedtime journal on your nightstand and write down everything you experience in the dream. It will look like a conglomeration of words and weird scenarios, but it helps with trying to decode the message your Spirit Team is trying to deliver. 
  • Be Aware of Incoming Illness
    • This may not affect everyone, but I know every time that I have gone through an Awakening, I have ended up ill. A cold, the flu, stomach bug, etc. If you resist the rest needed to properly navigate your Awakening, then your Spirit Team will send down "Ascension Flu" that will force you to go into the bed for some illness-relief. 
  • Proper Diet, Hydration and Rest
    • Eating a balance and healthy diet will do wonders during an Awakening. We are all guilty of eating our comfort foods, that usually contain non-natural and non-nutritious ingredients, but eating healthy during times of hardships, stress, or the intensity of an Awakening, will help your mental health immensely. The MicroBiome in your stomach directly affects your brain. This is where the term "healthy gut, healthy mind" comes into play. 
    • Rest is so essential during an Awakening. The emotions, resurfacing of trauma and the ruminating brain can cause severe exhaustion. Your sleep and rest is so important because there is a spiritual pull to go inward (into your soul, and physical body) and do some serious repair work: Healing. 
  • Healing - The Understanding, The Forgiveness, and The Letting Go
    • The Understanding: What is there to understand from your Awakening? Understand how powerful you are and that you have a purpose on earth. You are hear to guide others to the Light. You have to know your worth so that you can show others their worth. With free-will here in the 3D, you will get to choose what path you want to take, but know that you will always be divinely guided to your purpose! Understand why the Awakening is happening to you - So you can heal and ascend to your highest form, and send your light out into the world. One of the hardest things to understand is that we signed up for the life we are living currently. We signed up for all of the hurt, deceit, pain and suffering, all of the toxic relationships we endured, we agreed to. We made agreements with our most significant relationships, whether good or horribly bad, because both parties had a role to play in each other's lives. If you have ever been through a Twin Flame relationship, this will resonate.  
    • The Forgiveness - This is the most difficult part in the journey. Without the understanding, you cannot move into forgiveness. You must understand why everything was the way it was and that is was all for your spiritual evolution, and that we had a role to play in someone else's life. Think of the law of cause and effect (Newtonian Law) "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." For every action (good or bad) that was taken upon us, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Karma). If you understand the situation as what it was, and you move into forgiveness, the equal and opposite reaction would be, for you, healing. If there was a lot of negative things that the other party did to you, and they are not healing, the equal and opposite reaction wouldn't be so nice for them. Every situation is different, so take what resonates with you as everyone's journey is different. 
      • Forgive yourself for the things your former self did, regrets, anxieties, fears, and setbacks you hold against yourself. Hug yourself tightly and say "I am sorry for the things that happened in the past, I was learning and growing. I forgive myself for holding myself back from my highest form." 
      • Forgive others that brought pain to you - This can be in several different scenarios, but if anyone has brought you anything other than love and happiness, forgive them. They are still learning and growing, or they're not. Either way, forgiving them will release the pain and/or resentments you hold inside. 

Cutting Cords

Going back to The Understanding, there are certain people that enter our lives that we agreed to have in our lives before we entered the 3D. We had a vital role to play in each other's lives, and the goal was to push each other to our highest forms. Sometimes, one or both parties does not heal or grow within this relationship (platonic, family or love), and thus a separation occurred. Regardless of the separation, there is still a spiritual cord that connects the two, because there is "unfinished business". Severing this cord will allow you move forward with your life and align you to people and situations for your highest good.

There are other times where the connection is too strong to "just walk away" from. In Twin Flame relationships, these connection are divinely guided, and once you interlock with this person, that spiritual cord grows strength. The relationships burn hot and fast, where deep rooted love can turn toxic, and consume one or both individuals in a line of pain and suffering. The goal in these relationships is to heal and grow together. In some instances these relationships are too painful to deal with, as each twin mirrors the other's flaws and things that need healed. If one twin does not heal, while the other continues their growth, they will have to leave the twin behind, not as punishment, but as a karmic lesson for each person to grow and heal. It is extremely painful for both twins, and most end up reuniting to continue the toxic nature of the relationship, or on the upside, they learn and grow together. If you are needing to sever the tie with a Twin Flame relationship, follow below on Cutting Cords. But be aware, if you have not learned the lesson of this Karmic tie, then it will still continue to show up in other people. Make sure the lesson is understood and healed so you can move forward.  

Cord Cutting Ceremonies

  • Deep Healing Meditation: This form of Cord Cutting takes several takes to stick and can be quite painful. Once you have reached clarity and have decluttered your mind, envision yourself in a pool of white light. Call forward your twin or person that needs to be removed, ensuring you state your boundaries, and that they are not allowed to enter the pool unless stated. Envision the cord that connects you two, you will see them coming out of the center of your chest at your Heart Chakra. Putting your hands below the light, begin to tug on the cord, making it tight. You will need to cut this cord, so be creative with what you want to use (scissors, a knife, a katana sword, or a beam of white light), just ensure that it is infused with positive energy. Begin to cut the cord. Once the cord has been severed, you will see it snap back towards your twin or person needing removed. Allow them access to the pool of white light, and advise that they place the severed cord in the white light. Submerge your severed cord in the white light, and watch it infuse light into your being. Once your entire body is filled with white light, look to your twin or person being removed, and say the following: "With the highest love and light, I have severed all ties that I have agreed to in this life with {say their name}. I wish you well. As it is, it is so." Be creative, you can come up with something that resonates with you. 
  • Two-Candle Cord Burn: With this form of Cord Cutting, you need two, free-standing candles that can burn all the way down safely. One black candle, that symbolizes the twin or person that needs removed, and a white candle that symbolizes yourself. Tie a cord that is able to burn around both candles, making sure they are taut. Write the name of the person you are cutting ties with on a small piece of paper and attach it to the cord. Light both candles and allow the candles to burn through the cord, and the paper, and all the way down. Once complete, flush the remnants down the toilet. 


As painful as these ceremonies can be, they are beneficial to your overall growth and well-being. These people no longer get to be within your frequency as you continue to rise into your higher self. This will be a learned lesson and you can only wish them the best on this journey. 

Spiritual Awakenings can be gruesome, so hearing from someone who has experienced it first-hand and helps you all along your journey makes it a lot less intimidating. 


With the Highest Love and Light to All, 

Dakota Betts